covid-19 support

COVID-19 support for communities of color


There is a disproportionate amount of cases of COVID-19 in communities of color. This population is most likely to have less resources allocated, which makes us more vulnerable to the long-term negative effects of COVID-19. Communities of color are at a disadvantage.

Some of us know or may have experienced that physical illness can strongly influence our mental health. COVID-19 can bring feelings of isolation, fear, uncertainty, and stress. Plus in our communities, therapy can still be seen as taboo, or that something is "wrong with you.” This exacerbates the feelings of isolation.

Grief, guilt, financial strain, loneliness, are all emotions that may have been felt stronger than ever for some. It doesn’t matter if these emotions have been since the beginning of last year or a fleeting feeling, I want to help you have a space to make sense of it all. As black therapist identifying a part of the BIPOC community and have been affected by COVID-19, I understand the roller coaster of emotions that this past year has given you.